Given the fast-paced world we live in, it’s harder than ever to get a good night’s rest. Quality matters so much when it comes to this as it affects how our entire day goes.

Here are 3 simple sleep hacks that can help you with this:

1: Stick to a healthier diet

While there’s a lot of talk about sticking to a healthier diet for other reasons, this actually helps you to get better sleep. In particular, fruits, veggies and pulses can help you with this. In fact, it affects the amount of time necessary to sleep to. This is because the levels of magnesium, potassium and other essential minerals increase for the benefit of your body.

livefreakdefreaky2: Set a formal bedtime

Setting a time where you get into bed without fail is necessary given that will help you sleep better. This not only helps you physically but also psychologically too. This will also result in your mind recognizing that it is time for your body to unwind and relax. Also, your levels of melatonin and serotonin balance out apart from your circadian rhythm.

3: Keep the room temperature cool

Given that scientific research reveals that your body temperature starts to drop as soon as you begin to fall asleep, it’s good to reduce room temperature too. Keep in mind that it should be cool and not cold. This is not very different from the effect of taking a hot bath. If you don’t, then opening a window or turning on the fan should do the job.