Easy ways to stay fit when you travel

Group of women stretching in yoga class, arms raised
Travelling is rewarding as you get to experience new cultures, people, and food. However, since traveling involves a change to your daily routine, you may find that you struggle to maintain your health and fitness goals when you are travelling. Here are a few tips to help you reach and maintain your fitness goals when you travel.
Yoga – Yoga is an incredible form of exercise that will strengthen, lengthen and improve your mind and flexibility. Yoga can also be done almost anywhere as long as your space is quiet and you have a yoga mat on hand.
Run – Running is a great way to experience a destination, as you will be getting in a good workout as well as experience the scenery. Just make sure you pack a good pair of running shoes and running gear that will suit your climate.
A workout class – Look for classes at your destination before you book your hotel. You can book classes that you have tried before or a class that you have never experienced.
Walk – Walking is a great form of exercise and one that can be done by all levels of fitness. Look at packing a good pair of walking shoes and avoid hiring a car or taking a taxi during your entire stay.
Sports – If you are traveling with family or friends, look at including a sports day or a lesson into your travel schedule. Not only will your whole family get some exercise, but you will also soon notice that getting active is a lot of fun.